Monday, 4 August 2014

Exploring Javascript - The First step

Exploring Javascript

Having worked in C# and WCF on a typical server side programming, my heart often wandered what is happening in the world of front end. I was fascinated with smart device programming for Android and iPhone using the native language but at the same time i was interested in HTML5 and Javascript. 

This led me to explore certain aspects of Javascript, I often used to wonder that how hard could it be to learn a scripting language which was written in just about 15 days! but boy was I wrong :)

And then came the fateful day when I got the chance to work on a JS project, but I had to prove that I am up for the task.

So I started fooling around with Javascript using few resources on net and few good books.

Initially i started with the mindset of learning Javascript by relating the concepts with a fourth generation language like C#, however soon i realized that its a different monster and i can only hope to get the concepts right if I start with a clean slate.

Having said that you may find me comparing Javascript with C# at times but as they say "Old habbits are hard to die"

What I present here is my journey from a C# .net developer to taking dive in the world of Javascript.

ECMA Script - A brief Introduction

In all the forthcoming post I will focus on Javascript, however I should give a moment and mention ECMA Script.

Now I am not going to go on the details of the specification number(s) and the guidelines however I must mention a brief about the relation among Javascript and ECMA Script.

It was Netscape who pioneered  Javascript (initially Livescript) and Microsoft then came up with its own version of a scripting language Jscript.

But there was no standard as such, thus enters the European Computer Manufacturer Association (ECMA) which takes up the task of specifying a standardize programming language based on Javascript.

This standardized version of Javascript is called ECMAscript.

So what is the relation between Javascript and ECMAscript, if you ask me ECMA script is like a standard guidelines ( a blueprint) and Javascript is its implementation, other implementation being Jscript.

That's all for this post, I am not sure about the destination but for sure going to enjoy the journey I have started.

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